Join Hall-of-Fame pedal steelers Tommy White and Paul Franklin as they sit down to trade licks over a collection of frequently encountered chord progressions.
"We wanted to give players an insight to how we think and what goes into deciding which approaches we take on any given chord progression or Intro, Verse or Chorus. Sitting down next to each other was the way to do it!"
Learn to approach songs as small chord progressions.
Learn to play from chord to chord in 4-bar phrases
Learn how Tommy and Paul play over these common chord sequences and progressions:
4511 1144 1455 5511
You'll be guided through their approach to Minor, Augmented and Diminished chords
Learn to approach songs as small chord progressions.
Learn to play from chord to chord in 4-bar phrases
Learn how Tommy and Paul play over these common chord sequences and progressions:
4511 1144 1455 5511
You'll be guided through their approach to Minor, Augmented and Diminished chords
When you break any song down, you eventually get to a collection of chord sequences in 4-bar increments.
You can consolidate this concept to a few key harmonic movements:
1 chord to the 4 chord, (2 to the 5, 3 to the 6)
4 to the 5, (1 to the 2, 5 to the 6)
5 to the 1 (6 to the 2, 4 to the b7)
4 to the 1 (5 to the 2, b3 to the b7)
Finding ways to move from one chord to the next four bars at a time is the key to unlocking ideas for Intros, Fills, and Solos.
Tommy and Paul share their choices in moving from one chord to another, and how they look at the 4-bar journey with the end in mind:
Knowing what chord you're starting on
Knowing what chord you are ending on
Knowing what to play in the middle
This approach makes any chord progression easy to navigate.
How To Break Down Songs in 4-bar Chord Sequence
How To Move From Chord to Chord
How To Create Rhythmic and Melodic Single-Note Lines, Diads and Chordal Moves
How To Incorporate Phrasing and Dynamics
How To Play In A Band Context
How To Find New Positions and Voicings
How To Use The Steel’s Unique Ability To Imitate Other Instruments
How To Navigate Minor, Augmented, & Diminished Chords
“Studying with Paul Franklin is a rare chance to study with a pro master of our instrument. If you're planning to make a career from playing, look at it as a great investment in developing your knowledge and skills.”
“Too often over the years, trying to improve my playing has felt like a heavy and often-frustrating lift. [Paul's] teaching (and inspirational attitude) has made a world of difference for me."
“I’m beginning to get how you approach it. I feel like someone seeing the whole earth from space for the first time.”
Clips From The Course
Purchase Plans
Introduction to Trading Licks!
Tommy Intro Lick #1: 4511 (With Pickups)
Paul Intro Lick #1: 4511
Tommy Intro Lick #2: 4511 (No Pickups)
Tommy Intro Lick #2: 4511 As a Ballad
Paul Intro Lick #2: 4511
Tommy Chorus Lick #1: 4511
Paul Chorus Lick #1: 4511
Tommy Chorus Lick #2: 4511
Paul Chorus Lick #2: 4511
Tommy Chorus Lick #1: 1455
Paul Chorus Lick #1: 1455
Tommy Chorus Lick #2: 1455
Paul Chorus Lick #2: 1455
Tommy Verse Lick #1: 1144
Paul Verse Lick #1: 1144
Tommy Verse Lick #2: 1144
Paul Verse Lick #2: 1144
Tommy Verse Lick #1: 5511
Paul Verse Lick #1: 5511
Nuance and Dynamics
Playing Over Minor Chords
Playing Over Augmented Chords
Playing Over Diminshed Chords
Practice Tracks Downloads
TAB Downloads
How To Read Paul's TAB
Blank TAB
Nashville Number System
Basic Music Theory
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In this course, Tommy and Paul take a trip back in time to when they were first learning, chasing the legends of the Golden Age around Nashville and soaking up as much info as they could. They spontaneously generate lick ideas, then explain their thought process, musical and stylistic references, and even how their own different playing preferences influence what and where they play their ideas.
They break apart a common Country Shuffle progression in the style of "I Fall To Pieces" and explore each 4-bar chord progression: 4511, 1144, 1455, 5511. They then play variations on their initial ideas and show how solid lines can be adapted to fit any style or tempo.
Through a combination of talk-teaching and tablature, Tommy and Paul show you every note and nuance of their licks. Bonus sections on their approaches to Minor, Diminished and Augmented chords are included to round out the chord qualities you will encounter most often.
Trading Licks is a streaming video course hosted by Modern Music Masters.
Through a combination of talk-teaching and tablature, Tommy and Paul show you every note and nuance of their licks.
You can review the materials by watching the videos over and over, use the video player to slow things down, download practice tracks and print out TABs or other included lesson materials.
Trading Licks: Tommy White & Paul Franklin is one single payment of $259. The course has no expiration date.
We can be reached at: [email protected]
The Course can be viewed on desktop computers and most mobile devices – phones, tablets, laptops – as long as they have a compatible browser on them and they are connected to the internet.
You will need to keep your OS and browser current as how browsers display items changes over time. For example, in the Mac world, you will need iOS 16.x or higher.
Tommy uses the Jimmy Day pedal setup, Paul uses the standard Emmons setup. Either one will work for the material covered in this course.
Tommy White is a pedal steel child prodigy that just kept getting better.
Early gigs with Donna Fargo and The Whites led to coveted TV spots and staff band positions.
Currently holding down the pedal steel position in the Grand Ole Opry house band, Tommy divides his time with that gig and session work, with recent projects being Alison Krauss and TV appearances with Pop icon Lady GaGa.
Known for his beautiful tone, touch and vast knowledge of musical styles, honed from years learning the top songs played by visiting artist on the Opry stage, Tommy's course ( in collaboration with Paul Franklin ) showcases his technique choices and his innovative TW Split pedal configuration.
Pedal Steel Guitar and Musician's Hall of Famer Paul Franklin brings 50 years of insight and experience to his courses.
From his teenage years playing gigs and sessions in his native Detroit to his many years in the Nashville touring and studio scene, Franklin is the go-to pedal steel guitarist of his generation.
Mentored by the early legends of the instrument like Buddy Emmons, Lloyd Green, Weldon Myrick and Hal Rugg, Paul brings a sense of history to his lessons while always pushing the guitar forward. From George Jones to Megadeth, Streisand to Dire Straits, Paul's style encompasses all genres.
His ability to convey complex concepts to beginners and pros alike sets him apart from other teachers on the pedal steel guitar.
Copyright Modern Music Masters, Inc. 2025